Empower you to land your dream career
Highflyer Bootcamp
Be outstanding among others and land your Dream Career.
Throughout this journey, a powerful way to understand your true potential !
Throughout this journey, a powerful way to understand your true potential !
Write your awesome label here.
Mentor Live Coaching
You have the chance to talk to the coach during Live Coaching Sessions throughout the whole Bootcamp Journey
3 Core courses
Throughout the 3-courses journey, you can transform yourself from understanding yourself better to excelling among others.
Personal Assessment
CMAP (Career Motivation Analysis Profile), HIVE Diagram, Prioritizing Grid, Knowledge Matrix and more!
Job opportunities
Understand how to grab the BEST-fit Job opportunities and plan well for your career development.
Discover > Equip > Deploy
3 steps to land your dream career.
Understanding your preference is the first step to finding the BEST of you!
Understanding your preference is the first step to finding the BEST of you!
Everyone has the potential to be GREAT!
We will guide you on a journey with more competitive advantages
from a student to a READY-to-WORK person!

Standout from the Crowd!
Your Highflyer Bootcamp & a Transformative Journey !
Discover the BEST version of you
Through our assessment, tools and coaching, you can determine your preferences better in terms of working environment, social factors, personal abilities and traits.
Equip yourself with a plan
Learn how to gather the resources and write your story while you are building up your knowledge via schools or gaining your experience via companies. Figure out the skills on-demand and gain them proactively and specifically.
Deploy on the DREAM company
Understand your favorite industry and design a strategy to approach the target companies. You deserve the opportunities and the great transformation ahead of you!
3 Keys to unlock your perfect career here
Write your awesome label here.
to Work
to Work
You need to understand your personal emotion and perspective of your upcoming years for work.
Finding the best matching career to develop is not easy, but please take it seriously and consider it as a BIG decision!
Once you figure out the motivation to work, you will appreciate your time spent here.
Write your awesome label here.
Your Story
to Tell
You always have the right to choose and pick what you LOVE. Now, this is a chance to ask yourself more and more precisely.
So, how to figure out your favorite career? You need to look back at your personal stories like a milestone that you achieved, in which those elements from the stories can be linked together with the resources around you.
So, how to figure out your favorite career? You need to look back at your personal stories like a milestone that you achieved, in which those elements from the stories can be linked together with the resources around you.
Write your awesome label here.
Life Coach
to Guide
to Guide
This is not just an online course. But our Coach, Raymond will arrange the ZOOM meeting to listen to your need, follow up your deliverables and guide you to explore the BEST of yourself.
It is always great to have guidance to avoid wasting time on trying the jobs.
Start your career plan on purpose!
Well structured
There are 3 main modules:
A. Discover
B. Equip
C. Deploy
You can finish them within a month as long as you follow up closely and proactively arrange your coaching with the Head Coach.
It depends on your pace but it is possible to finish the course within a month.
You can finish them within a month as long as you follow up closely and proactively arrange your coaching with the Head Coach.
It depends on your pace but it is possible to finish the course within a month.
All the course contents were well written and supplemented with lots of tools and illustrations. One of the famous assessments is called CMAP (Career Motivation Analysis Profile), invented by John Holland.
Also, the head coach is experienced with lots of professional qualifications.
All the course contents were well written and supplemented with lots of tools and illustrations.
One of the famous assessments is called CMAP (Career Motivation Analysis Profile), invented by John Holland.
Also, the head coach is experienced with lots of professional qualifications.
The head coach will follow up with you through his ZOOM coaching sessions. This is a 1 on 1 coaching. And he will do this at each stage to accompany you for a whole transformation journey.Everyone is unique and at the same time has the potential to be GREAT for their career.
The head coach will follow up with you through his ZOOM coaching sessions. This is a 1 on 1 coaching. And he will do this at each stage to accompany you for a whole transformation journey.
Everyone is unique and at the same time has the potential to be GREAT for their career.
Have any questions
Send us an email for any enquiries
Thank you!